Faith Of A
Written a couple years ago
This past Sunday in church was so very exciting and
full of life. It was VBS Sunday and we were blessed to share a bit of what the
children and adults experienced during this year’s Vacation Bible School.
People of all ages stood, sang and clapped as the children danced in the aisles
to the music they loved so much. It was loud, it was slightly chaotic, it was
exciting, and it was a true blessing. We were witness to the enthusiasm in all
it’s glory - of a child’s faith.
As we read the scriptures, in particular the gospels, we
notice a few things about Jesus. He did not follow cultural protocol. In those
days women and children were pretty much of no importance in the man’s world.
In Jesus’ world however he found great importance in both women and children.
Children would flock to him, only to be warned to be silent by the adults, even
the disciples. But Jesus said No - let the little children come to me.He even
said that we needed to have the faith of a child.

Knowledge is a wonderful thing. Studying the word,
digging into scripture so we can understand God and His will for us is
imperative. Over the past year or so, I have come to learn a great deal about
other religions through a dear person who God brought into my life. She has
studied and learned so much and I find it very interesting. I have taken
several Bible studies, as have many of you and I have accumulated a great deal
of knowledge over the years. Some of which has leaked from my brain through the
many cracks. I think I’ve forgotten as much as I learned. I have retained
enough knowledge to be able to say, “Okay, somewhere in the Bible it says
something like this,” but I haven’t a clue as to where to find these pearls of
Anyway, what I have learned over these past few months,
is that at times great knowledge has a way of building walls up between
ourselves and God. There are so many books and so many different points of
view. There are so many different religions, which for those seeking spiritual guidance are very enticing. Many share much of what we Christian believe
- peace, love, and an all-powerful god. What’s true, what’s not true?
Is it all
true? In our quest to learn we study more and more. Unfortunately there are
times where all this study, all this knowledge brings great confusion into our
lives. This confusion builds and grows and in some cases pulls us further away
from God. Leaving us feeling a void in our lives. Now please don’t get me wrong, as I said studying God’s word is very
important, and the more I learn the more excited I get. Ah - there’s the word.
This past Sunday in church we were blessed with a
wonderful story about our very own Kelsey. Her mom told us that one day while
the family was dining in a restaurant, Kelsey boldly, and quite loudly announced
to all who could hear “I’m a Christian!” Wow! She was not intimidated, or
embarrassed. Kelsey was purely excited. She is a Christian and she is proud of
How many adults would risk embarrassment by shouting those words? I have to
admit, not I. Yet, if we were to watch our favorite teams battle it out on the
football field, we will surely see grownups gladly risking embarrassment
supporting their teams. They will paint their faces the appropriate colors,
raise up their foam finger and shout at the top of their lungs, all the time
hoping that the camera man will notice them.
Sadly, in most cases, as the children grow up and become
adults, their pure, untainted faith becomes tarnished. Life, education and peer
pressure can unfortunately over time--drip by drip--squelch the flame of a
child’s faith. The excitement is now being replaced with questions, doubts and
at times disbelief. We adults seek answers where once there lived no questions.
We seek proof that God exists. We search. We become disillusioned or angry by
what we see in life. We seek more and study more. We acquire more knowledge.
All in hopes of rekindling what we once knew with all our hearts as a child.
That God loves us. Often only be becoming more and more confused. A wall slowly
builds, brick by brick between God and us.
We can’t turn back the hands of time and become
physically children again. I do believe however, that we can rekindle our child
like faith. Jesus didn’t say that only the children could come to Him. He
didn’t say that only children have faith. He did tell us however, that we need
to have the faith of a child. Pure. Excited. Uninhibited. I believe the God is
my Father and I am His child. I believe that Jesus is my Lord, my Savior, my
best friend and my brother. All this brings me great excitement. My heart seems
to soar when I think of the love that God has for me. There are times I do want
to jump and shout as a child…but I am one of those adults.

I pray that our
kids never lose their childlike faith and wonder. I pray that they never be
embarrassed to shout out their love for the Lord. I pray that we adults may
heed the words of Christ and come to Him as a child.
Life is short. Life is precious. Life is a gift. Let us
lift our hands, stomp our feet and praise the Lord, with all the faith of a
I am a Christian!
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