Banister Friends? What are they you may ask? Very good question. In my search for a unique “B” word, I stumbled across the word Banister. I then began to ponder, what exactly it is that our banister does on any given day. If you live in a house with more than one story, as we do, you must have a stairway, very likely this stairway also has a banister. It may be elaborate, or simple. Ours is simple. What ever the case, the banister serves a very important purpose. To support. The dictionary describes a banister as: “the upright support of a stair rail - the row of supports and the rail together.” With me so far?
The banister in our house, as I said, is simple. It quietly leads to a very old, very steep set of stairs. Along with its expected job - supporting the stair rail - our banister also carries an even greater load. With out complaint, it supports our wet hats, scarves, mittens and coats, which are carelessly tossed upon its white post, until we next need them, or decide to put them away. Whichever comes first. It supports myself and my family, as we grab its sturdy surface, preparing to ascend the mountainous stairway. It has endured much abuse, as a result of moving furniture, mattresses and box springs up and down the steps. It does all this quietly, dependably.
As my mind began to wonder, I reflected upon friends who also have the same qualities. In fact in looking the word “friend” up in the dictionary, one description is: “someone who freely supports and helps, out of goodwill.” Interesting, an inanimate object - a banister - and a human being - a friend - both freely support. I was both surprised, and delighted, to discover that I am blessed with numerous “Banister Friends.”
My church family is a collective group of amazing “banister friends,” and within the group as a whole, are several individuals who over the years have been a constant means of quiet support. I know that no matter what is happening in my life, whether good, or bad, I can turn to these friends, and dump my load on their supportive shoulders. My thanks to each of you. My family - sister, brother, sons and nieces - have all over the years been loving, supportive “banister friends,” and I don’t know where I’d be without them. My husband, has stuck by my side and supported me and encouraged me, during my good times and my bad for over thirty three years, and counting. He is quiet in his love, but huge in his support. He is my rock and my best friend.
But there is one, who is beyond all these friends combined. My absolute best friend for eternity. My Lord and Savior. Over my life time, I have dumped so much of my stuff, on his shoulders. I have cried out to him. I have laughed with him. I have pulled away from him. I have heaped piles of my “garbage” on him - and he never budges. He promised that “He will never leave us or forsake us,” and He is true to His word.
So let me ask you a question? Do you have someone in your life who has been your “banister friend?” Have they supported and loved you through the good times and bad? Often asking nothing in return. If you can answer yes, then you are truly blessed. Now another question. Is there someone out there who considers you to be a “banister friend?” If so, you are both blessed.
As we rush about our day. As we run up and down our stairs, or pile things on our banisters, let’s try to take a moment and send up a prayer of thanks for all our “banister friends.” Thank you one and all. I am truly blessed.
what a great idea - bannister friends. love it. I am blessed to have several - those great souls that I could call in the middle of the night if I needed them. You have made my day with this idea.
ReplyDeleteComing over from A2z meme
Hi Jean, Thank you very much. Friends are such a blessing and I didn't appreciate how many wonderful friends I had until I sat down to write this. Now I feel all the more blessed. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I look forward to reading your writings.
DeleteBanister friends--love this concept! Yes, I am blessed to have a spouse, son and others in my life who are banister friends. And I strive to be one to those I love, too.
ReplyDeleteHi Shelley, Thank you so much. I have come to appreciate my Banister friends all the more since writing this piece. We are so blessed. Thank you again.
DeleteThat is a cool analogy. Would be a perfect women's Bible study topic!
ReplyDeleteHi Niki, thank you very much. Never thought of a Bible study. That would be cool.