I have discovered these past few weeks that God lives in the random acts, or random events. Or should I say, seemingly random. It could be a song on the radio, a bumper sticker on the car in front of you, a TV show, a wrong turn down the right street, a scripture, or even words from a complete stranger. In our times of confusion or pain, God uses anything and everything, events that appear to be random, to get our attention or answer questions.
I was speaking to someone about a week ago, and he told me
about three specific, random events that occurred to him during one
particularly stressful day. Many people may have dismissed these random events,
but he did not. Each event, each random act, answered a question or addressed
an anxiety he had experienced that day. I could hear the quiet awe in his voice
as he related these events to me, and I could only praise our incredible God
for speaking to this young man in this way.
I don’t believe in coincidence. I believe in God’s plan. I
know that God hears our every thought, He knows our every need, and He listens
to our cries and our praises. Absolutely nothing is impossible with God. Even
when we can see no way out, God has a plan, and He talks to us in so many
creative ways. Yes, even through seemingly random acts and events.
What have been some seemingly random events in your life
that have spoken to you?
Or has there been a time when you feel you may have been
someone’s random event?
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